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House of Code in May 2024
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Three Divisions

We have members coming from three disivions. South California(HQ), North California and Mexico.

South California HQ

Focus on STEM, English, Spanish

North California

Focus on Sports


Focus on Math

Upcoimg Events and Activities

Septemper 2024

How We Work

ESC Programs

Friday Weekly Night Talk

We take turns to host Friday Night Talk Weekly.

Inter-American Academy Class 

We provide excellent classes to community kids.

Summer Coding Virtual Class

STEM for Latin and Beyond

President Volunteer Service Award

We join the President Volunteer Service Award program.

Have Questions?

Frequently Asked

Which language are you using for your classes?

Different classes provide different language tutoring. Like spanish class, it is in both Spanish and English. For Lego FLL class, it is in English.

What if I want to join you?

You can contact us by email or fill the contact form in contact page.

How often do you hold activities?

Different programs have different frequencies. Friday Night Talk is weekly. Classes are taught irregularly.

Looking for more information?

Contact us to join us or ask questions.


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